Water in your house may have be a problem

o common that the word "plumbing" derives from plumbum, the Latin word for lead.) This was a source of lead-related health problems in the years before the health hazards of ingesting lead were fully understood; among these were s

Water in your house may have be a problem plumber Lambeth

Water pipes - history facts

For many centuries, lead was the favoured material for water pipes, because its malleability made it practical to work into the desired shape. (Such use was so common that the word "plumbing" derives from plumbum, the Latin word for lead.) This was a source of lead-related health problems in the years before the health hazards of ingesting lead were fully understood; among these were stillbirths and high rates of infant mortality. Lead water pipes were still widely used in the early 20th century, and remain in many households. In addition, lead-tin alloy solder was commonly used to join copper pipes, but modern practice uses tin-antimony alloy solder instead, in order to eliminate lead hazards.

Despite the Romans' common use of lead pipes, their aqueducts rarely poisoned people. Unlike other parts of the world where lead pipes cause poisoning, the Roman water had so much calcium in it that a layer of plaque prevented the water contacting the lead itself. What often causes confusion is the large amount of evidence of widespread lead poisoning, particularly amongst those who would have had easy access to piped water.2 This was an unfortunate result of lead being used in cookware and as an additive to processed food and drink, for example as a preservative in wine.3 Roman lead pipe inscriptions provided information on the owner to prevent water theft.

Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pipe

rental of special equipment needed to clean the manhole

Effective cleaning manhole is carried out in several stages. First plumber introduces chemicals for sanitation, which gradually move into the sewer with the help of the equipment used by him until reach wells. Sometimes achieving an effective cleaning manhole may be made only by using special devices that are equipped plumbers or loaned from other companies. Their use makes it made cleaning is very accurate, and the selection of specific devices depends on the chosen method of cleaning drains. Before and after completing all the works will be carried their valuation and on this basis, invoiced at the hands of the customer.

Replacement parts connections to the existing water supply and sewage treatment

Part of the failure occurring in the water and sewage network is due to its poor condition. This can happen especially when possessed by our network of plumbing has existed for several years, and we always try to connect to the new device. Sometimes enough to perform parts replacement connections plumbing, so she began again to function efficiently. Such actions may be supported by the cleansing of old sewer pipes that have become partially obstructed by embedding them over the years a variety of dirt and papers. The tasks of the plumber will be one choice of effective methods of sewer cleaning, followed by thorough execution of all works.

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